[ verb ] call attention to


"Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS"

Used in print

(Rocky Mountain News, [Denver, Colorado]...)

There the Royal_Motel advertises `` all facilities , vented heat , air conditioned , carpeted , free TV , storm_cellar '' .

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

He even buys a_lot_of the products he sees advertised - despite_the_fact_that the copy makes no special bid for his favor and sponsors rarely use any but white models in commercials .

(Peter Eldersveld, "Faith Amid Fear"...)

Watch people flock to amusement houses , cocktail_lounges , and night clubs that advertise continuous entertainment , which means an endless flow of noise and frivolity by paid entertainers who are supposed to perform in those incredible ways which are designed to give men a_few hours of dubious relaxation - watch them and you can tell that many_of them are running_away from something .

(Idwal Jones, "Santa Cruz Run"...)

They advertised harness polish , liniments , Ball 's Rubber_Boots , Green_River Whiskey , Hood 's Sarsaparilla , patent_medicines , shoe blacking , and chewing tobacco .

[ verb ] make publicity for; try to sell (a product)


"The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model" "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"
