agglutinin has definitions from the fields of chemistry,zoology,biochemistry,immunology
[ noun ] (chemistry,zoology,biochemistry,immunology) an antibody that causes agglutination of a specific antigen

Used in print

(M. Yokoyama et al., "Chemical and serological...)

Fahey and Morrison used a single , continuous gradient at constant pH for the fractionation of anti - A and anti - B agglutinins from preisolated � g-globulin samples .

Successive 1 - ml fractions were then drawn off with a hypodermic_syringe , starting at the top of the tube , and tested for agglutinin activity .

The insoluble material which precipitated during dialysis against starting_buffer always showed intense agglutinin activity , regardless of the blood_group of the donor .

With either of the gradients described , chromatography on DEAE-cellulose separated agglutinins of the ABO series into at_least three regions ( Figs. 1 and 2 ) :

In 2 of 15 experiments on whole serum a region of agglutinin activity with intermediate anionic binding capacity was detected ( Region 3 , Fig. 1 ) .

Related terms

antibody isoagglutinin
