[ adverb ] to a high degree




"she is all too ready to accept the job"

Used in print

(Bonnie Prudden, "The Dancer and the Gymnast"...)

School_teachers , all_too unprepared for the job they must do , will need demonstrators .

(Tristram P. Coffin, "Folklore in the American Twentieth...)

Folklore is his hobby , and he , all_too rightly , wishes it to remain as such .

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

Those modern scholars who urge that we must keep in mind the fundamental continuity of Aegean development from earliest times - granted occasional irruptions of peoples and ideas from outside - are correct ; but all_too many observers have been misled by this fact into minimizing the degree of change which took_place in the early first millennium .

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

That a writer who is gay cannot be serious is a common professional illusion , sedulously fostered by all_too many academics who mistakenly believe that their frivolous efforts should be taken seriously because they are expressed with that dreary solemnity which is the only mode of expression their authors are capable of .
