[ noun ] someone who hates and would persecute Jews



Used in print

(Harold Rosenberg, "The Trial and Eichmann"...)

How could supplying Eichmann with a platform on which to maintain that one could collaborate in the murder of millions of Jews without being an anti-Semite contribute to a verdict against anti-Semitism ?

Yes , he believed that the Jews were `` enemies of the Reich '' , and such a belief is , of_course , typical of `` patriotic '' anti-Semites ; but he believed in the Jew as enemy in a kind of abstract , theological way , like a member of a cult speculating on the nature of things .

If anti-Semitism was on_trial in Jerusalem , why was it not identified , and with enough emphasis to capture the notice of the world press , in its connection with the activities of Eichmann 's Department_of_Jewish_Affairs , as exemplified by the betrayal and murder of Jews by non police and non-party anti-Semites in Germany , as_well_as in Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary ?

What more could be asked for a Trial intended to warn the world against anti-Semitism than this opportunity to expose the exact link between the respectable anti-Semite and the concentration-camp brute ?

Ought not an edifying Trial have made every effort to demonstrate this once_and_for_all by showing how representative types of `` mere '' anti-Semites were drawn step_by_step into the program of skull bashings and gassings ?

Related terms


[ adjective ] discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion

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