athabascan has definitions from the field of linguistics
[ noun ] (linguistics) a group of Amerindian languages (the name coined by an American anthropologist, Edward Sapir)

Used in print

(A.L. Kroeber, "Semantic Contribution of Lexicostatistic...)

There are more stems per item in Athabascan , which expresses the fact that the Athabascan languages have undergone somewhat more change in diverging from proto Athabascan than the Yokuts languages from proto Yokuts .

There are more stems per item in Athabascan , which expresses the fact that the Athabascan languages have undergone somewhat more change in diverging from proto Athabascan than the Yokuts languages from proto Yokuts .

There are more stems per item in Athabascan , which expresses the fact that the Athabascan languages have undergone somewhat more change in diverging from proto Athabascan than the Yokuts languages from proto Yokuts .

This may be because the Athabascan divergence began earlier ; or again because the Athabascan languages spread over a very_much larger territory ( including three wholly separated areas ) ; or both .

This may be because the Athabascan divergence began earlier ; or again because the Athabascan languages spread over a very_much larger territory ( including three wholly separated areas ) ; or both .

[ noun ] a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Athapaskan language and living in the subarctic regions of western Canada and central Alaska