has definitions from the field of linguistics
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[ adjective ] having undesirable or negative qualities
Examples "a bad report card" "a bad little boy" "clothes in bad shape" "a bad cut" "bad luck" "the reviews were bad" "the pay is bad" "it was a bad light for reading" "the movie was a bad choice" Used in print (William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)Yet are not we of the mid twentieth century , who rightly do not believe there is any such `` thing '' as the devil , just as bad off as they - only in a different way ? (Jay C. Harris and John R. Van Wazer, "Detergent...)A good formulation will keep the clothes clean and white after many washings ; whereas , with a poor formulation , the clothes exhibit a build-up of `` tattle-tale_grey '' and dirty spots - sometimes with bad results even after the first wash . (Brand Blanshard, "The Emotive Theory," Robert...)If it could be shown that judgments of good and bad were not judgments at_all , that they asserted nothing true or false , but merely expressed emotions like `` Hurrah '' or `` Fiddlesticks '' , then these wayward judgments would cease from troubling and weary heads could be at_rest . There is perhaps no value_statement on which people would more universally agree than the statement that intense pain is bad . As we think_of the long and excruciating pain it must have suffered , we are very likely to say : `` It was a bad thing that the little animal should suffer so '' . |
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[ adjective ] feeling physical discomfort or pain
Synonyms Examples "my throat feels bad" "she felt bad all over" ('tough' is occasionally used colloquially for `bad' as in "he was feeling tough after a restless night") Related terms |
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[ noun ] that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency
Synonyms Examples : "take the bad with the good" Used in print (R. F. Shaw, "The `Private Eye`"...)The basic premise of all mystery_stories is that the distinction between good and bad coincides with the distinction between legal and illegal . (William C. Smith, "Why Fear Ideas?"...)Man , we are told , is endowed with reason and is capable of distinguishing good from bad . Related terms good good quality evil worse liability inadvisability undesirability unworthiness |
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[ adverb ] very much; strongly
Synonyms Examples "I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it" "the cables had sagged badly" "they were badly in need of help" "he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it" Used in print (Jesse Hill Ford, Mountains of Gilead....)And you know you will always wonder all_of your life whether it was because you wanted him so bad that you did n't get him , and you can feel nearly sorry enough to cry when you think_of that other guy , the chump who begged you to marry him , the one with the plastered hair and the car he could n't afford and the too shiny shoes . |
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[ adverb ] with great intensity
Synonyms Examples "the injury hurt badly" "the buildings were badly shaken" (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly' as in "it hurts bad" or "we need water bad") |
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[ adjective ] capable of harming
Examples "bad habits" "bad air" "smoking is bad for you" Related terms |
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[ adjective ] reproduced fraudulently
Synonyms Examples "like a bad penny..." "a forged twenty dollar bill" Related terms |
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[ adjective ] (linguistics; informal) "so-called bad grammar"
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[ adjective ] not financially safe or secure
Synonyms Examples "a bad investment" "high risk investments" "anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky" "speculative business enterprises" Related terms |
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[ adjective ] not capable of being collected
Synonyms Examples "a bad (or uncollectible) debt" Related terms |
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[ adjective ] below average in quality or performance
Examples "a bad chess player" "a bad recital" Related terms |
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[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 17894
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[ adjective ] not working properly
Synonyms Examples "a bad telephone connection" "a defective appliance" Related terms |
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