[ noun ] an equilibrium of power between nations

Used in print

(Morton A. Kaplan and Nicholas de B. Katzenbach,...)

Political interference in Africa and Asia and even in Latin_America ( though limited in Latin_America by the special interest of the United_States as expressed in the Monroe_Doctrine , itself from the outset related_to European politics and long dependent upon the `` balance_of_power '' system in Europe ) was necessary in_order to preserve both common economic_values and the European `` balance '' itself .

Political interference in Africa and Asia and even in Latin_America ( though limited in Latin_America by the special interest of the United_States as expressed in the Monroe_Doctrine , itself from the outset related_to European politics and long dependent upon the `` balance_of_power '' system in Europe ) was necessary in_order to preserve both common economic_values and the European `` balance '' itself .

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