[ noun ] the qualities that give pleasure to the senses

Used in print

(Musical America, LXXXI:5...)

Compare the vast difference in scope and beauty between his neat and witty little Classical_Symphony and his big , muscular , passionate , and eloquent Fifth_Symphony ; or the Love_for_Three_Oranges ( gay as it is ) with the wonderful , imaginative , colorful , and subtle tenderness of the magnificent ballet , The Stone_Flower .

(Arlin Turner, "William Faulkner, Southern Novelist"...)

Thorpe came to Louisiana from the East as a young man prepared to find in the new country the setting of romantic adventure and idealized beauty .

(Robert E. Lane, The Liberties of Wit: Humanism, Critici...)

If art is to release us from these postulated things [ things we must think symbolically about ] and bring us back to the ineffable beauty and richness of the aesthetic component of reality in its immediacy , it must sever its connection with these common_sense entities '' .

William_Wimsatt and Cleanth_Brooks , it seems to me , have a penetrating insight into the way in_which this control is effected : `` For if we say poetry is to talk of beauty and love ( and yet not aim at exciting erotic emotion or even an emotion of Platonic esteem ) and if it is to talk of anger and murder ( and yet not aim at arousing anger and indignation ) - then it may be that the poetic way of dealing with these emotions will not be any kind of intensification , compounding , or magnification , or any direct assault upon the affections at_all .

The limits are suggested by an imaginary experiment : contrast the perceptual skill of English_professors with that of their colleagues in discriminating among motor_cars , political candidates , or female beauty .

[ noun ] a very attractive or seductive looking woman

Used in print

(Guy Bolton, The Olympians....)

Not everyone is bewitched by Byron 's caliphs and harem beauties '' .

Related terms

woman stun

[ noun ] an outstanding example of its kind




"his roses were beauties" "when I make a mistake it's a beaut"

Used in print

(Organic Gardening and Farming,...)

I sought_out the gardener and asked him what he did to produce such beauties in that weather .

Related terms

