binomial_distribution has definitions from the fields of mathematics,statistics
[ noun ] (mathematics,statistics) a theoretical distribution of the number of successes in a finite set of independent trials with a constant probability of success

Used in print

(Frederick Mosteller et al., Probability with...)

The binomial probability distribution may describe the variation that occurs from one set of trials of such a binomial experiment to another .

We devote a chapter to the binomial_distribution not_only because it is a mathematical model for an enormous variety of real_life phenomena , but also because it has important properties that recur in many other probability models .

When each number of successes x is paired with its probability of occurrence * * f , the set of pairs * * f , is a probability function called a binomial_distribution .

The choice of p and n determines the binomial_distribution uniquely , and different choices always produce different distributions ( except when * * f ; then the number of successes is always 0 ) .

The set of all binomial_distributions is called the family of binomial_distributions , but in general discussions this expression is often shortened to `` the binomial_distribution '' , or even `` the binomial '' when the context is clear .

Related terms

distribution statistics
