body_weight has definitions from the field of medicine
[ noun ] (medicine) the weight of a person's body

Used in print

(Successful Farming, 59:12...)

For prevention or treatment of bacterial scours , feed 0.1 to 5 milligrams per pound of body_weight daily .

To prevent or treat bacterial diarrhea , furnish 0.1 to 5 milligrams per pound of body_weight daily .

As an aid in reducing bacterial diarrhea and preventing foot_rot , feed not less than 0.1 milligram per pound of body_weight daily .

To aid in the prevention of anaplasmosis , feed not less than 0.5 milligram per pound of body_weight daily .

For cows , feed providing an intake of 0.1 milligram of Aureomycin per pound of body_weight daily aids in the reduction of bacterial diarrhea , in the prevention of foot_rot , and in the reduction of losses due_to respiratory infection ( infectious rhinotracheitis - shipping_fever complex ) .
