[ verb ] come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character




"This borders on discrimination!" "His playing approaches that of Horowitz"

Used in print

(Alfred Wright, "A Duel Golfers Will Never Forget"...)

It is almost axiomatic that golfers who dominate the game of golf for any period_of_time attack their shots with a vehemence bordering_on violence .


But when tiny , 145 - pound Albert_Gregory_Pearson of the Los_Angeles Angels , who once caught three straight fly_balls in center field because , as a teammate explained , `` the other team thought no one was out there '' , hits seven home_runs in four months ( three more_than his total in 1958 , 1959 , and 1960 ) , his achievement borders_on the ridiculous .

(Perry Miller "Theodore Parker: Apostasy within Liberalism"...)

All this near tragedy , which to us borders_on comedy , enables us to tell the story over_and_over_again , always warming ourselves with a glow of complacency .

Related terms

approximate converge approach
