brand has definitions from the field of arms
[ noun ] a name given to a product or service

Used in print

(Evan Esar, Humorous English; a guide to comic ,...)

In recent years gagwriters have discovered this brand of blunder and thus the misplaced modifier has acquired a new habitat in the gagline .

Related terms

name label chlortetracycline triamcinolone prednisone chlorothiazide dexamethasone aspirin reserpine norethindrone table_tennis chlorpromazine chlorpheniramine_maleate cimetidine azathioprine aztreonam asparaginase aminophylline alprazolam atorvastatin buffered_aspirin amiodarone captopril cefoperazone amitriptyline acyclovir Acrilan diclofenac_sodium diflunisal cefotaxime diazoxide digoxin glyburide enalapril ciprofloxacin clofibrate clomiphene clonidine buspar cyproheptadine cefadroxil celebrex baycol dextroamphetamine_sulphate diazepam diclofenac_potassium diltiazem dimenhydrinate ceftazidime ampicillin diphenylhydantoin disulfiram ceftriaxone alendronate enflurane cephalexin amrinone albuterol metaproterenol methaqualone erythromycin metharbital neomycin dicloxacillin nystatin gentamicin itraconazole griseofulvin kanamycin encainide brevibloc estazolam enbrel edecrin ethchlorvynol felt-tip_pen fenoprofen hydrochlorothiazide hydroxyzine_hydrochloride ibuprofen imipramine indomethacin ipratropium_bromide flecainide isocarboxazid dalmane fluvastatin ketoprofen ketorolac ketorolac_tromethamine furosemide lidocaine lincomycin gemfibrozil lisinopril glipzide doriden clopidogrel_bisulfate lovastatin guanabenz mannitol haldol meclizine meclofenamate melphalan meperidine mephenytoin mephobarbital meprobamate mercaptopurine methenamine ethosuximide cephalosporin methocarbamol methyldopa etodolac methylphenidate mexiletine famotidine chlorambucil angiotensin mild_silver_protein minocycline cyclobenzaprine mithramycin nabumetone fluoxetine nitrofurantoin indapamide infliximab chlordiazepoxide inh isoproterenol isordil naproxen oxaprozin oxazepam oxyphenbutazone nadolol papaverine kinetoscope pentobarbital_sodium phenylbutazone arava levallorphan piroxicam ativan Polaroid loxapine Polaroid_camera procaine procaine_hydrochloride propoxyphene propranolol quinacrine flagyl miconazole midazolam ranitidine mitomycin moban dilaudid naloxone naphazoline nefazodone neostigmine nifedipine nortriptyline sanitary_napkin scotch_tape norflex secobarbital_sodium daricon paroxetime cuprimine ledercillin_vk pentaerythritol pentazocine pentoxifylline perphenazine phenazopyridine nardil milontin phentolamine pindolol piperacillin pneumococcal_vaccine pravachol minipress mysoline kemadrin phenergan sucralfate sulfacetamide sulindac quinidex tetracycline ribavirin rifadin hydroxychloroquine

[ noun ] a recognizable kind




"there's a new brand of hero in the movies now" "what make of car is that?"

Used in print

(John R. Sargent, "Where To Aim Your Planning for Bigger...)

Salesmanship is still necessary , but it 's a different brand of salesmanship .

(Gene Caesar, Rifle for Rent....)

Jury , judge and executioner were riding the range in the form of a single unknown figure that could materialize anywhere , at any time , to dispense an ancient brand of justice the men of the new West had believed long outdated .

Related terms

kind construct

[ noun ] identification mark on skin, made by burning

Used in print

(Ann Hebson, The Lattimer Legend....)

She held Jonathan 's letter , his words burning like a brand , and knew suddenly that the bonds between them were severed .

Related terms


[ verb ] burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals

Used in print

(R. Leslie Gourse, With Gall and Honey....)

He had the black numerals on his arm , so he had been branded in a concentration_camp .

Related terms


[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 1954
[ verb ] to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful


"He denounced the government action" "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock"

Related terms

label mark stigmatization

[ noun ] a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning



Related terms


[ verb ] mark or expose as infamous




"She was branded a loose woman"

Related terms

call mark

[ noun ] a symbol of disgrace or infamy


mark stain stigma


"And the Lord set a mark upon Cain"--Genesis

[ noun ] (arms) a cutting or thrusting weapon with a long blade


sword steel blade
