breath has definitions from the fields of biology,meteorology,chemistry
[ noun ] (biology) the process of taking in and expelling air during breathing


"he took a deep breath and dived into the pool" "he was fighting to his last breath"

Used in print

(Chicago Daily Tribune...)

But barring a miracle , and do n't hold your breath for it , Chicago will not see the Leningrad-Kirov_Ballet , which stems from the ballet cradle of the Maryinsky and is one of the great companies of the world .

(Tristram Coffin, Not to the Swift....)

He thought how this dainty , fragile older woman threading her way through the streets of Westminster on a day in June , enjoying the flowers in the shops , the greetings from old friends , but never really drawing a deep , passionate breath , was so like himself .

(Ann Hebson, The Lattimer Legend....)

Beth was very still and her breath came in small jerking gasps .

(Bruce Palmer, "My Brother's Keeper", Many Are...)

Watson paused for breath .

Watson snatched a deep breath .

[ noun ] the air that is inhaled and exhaled in respiration


"his sour breath offended her"

Used in print

(Bruce Palmer, "My Brother's Keeper", Many Are...)

The man wheezed weakly , his fetid breath beating softly against Watson 's neck .

(Arthur Miller, "The Prophecy," in The Best...)

He looked at her out of himself , she thought , as he did only for an instant at_a_time , the look which always surprised her even now when his uncombable hair was yellowing a_little and his breath came hard through his nicotine choked lungs , the look of the gaunt youth she had suddenly found herself staring at in the Tate_Gallery on a Thursday once .

(Whit Masterson, Evil Come, Evil Go....)

And once Bake slipped in , pale and drawn , last night 's liquor still on his breath with some of today 's added to_it .

(Richard Ferber, Bitter Valley....)

He was shaking with anger , his breath coming in long , painful gasps .

Related terms

air halitus halitosis

[ noun ] a short respite

Related terms

respite rest

[ noun ] an indirect suggestion


hint intimation


"not a breath of scandal ever touched her"

Used in print

(Norman Kent, "The Watercolor Art of Roy M. Mason"...)

Living with his watercolors is a vicarious experience of seeing nature distilled through the eyes of a sensitive interpretor , a breath and breadth of the outdoor world to help man honor the Creator of it all .

Related terms

suggestion suggest

[ verb ] (chemistry) absorb air and reach optimal flavor, of wine


"This rare Bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours"

Related terms


[ noun ] (meteorology) a slight movement of the air


"there wasn't a breath of air in the room"

Related terms

