cellulose has definitions from the field of chemistry
[ noun ] (chemistry) a polysaccharide that is the chief constituent of all plant tissues and fibers

Used in print

(M. Yokoyama et al., "Chemical and serological...)

These include low-temperature ethanol ( Cohn ) fractionation , electrophoresis , ultracentrifugation and column_chromatography on ion_exchange celluloses .

The DEAE-cellulose , containing 0.78 mEq of N / g , was prepared in our laboratory by the method of Peterson and Sober ( 7 ) from powdered cellulose , 100 - 230 mesh .

For preparative ultracentrifugation , fractions from the column were concentrated by negative pressure dialysis to volumes of 1 ml or less , transferred to cellulose tubes and diluted to 12 ml with isotonic saline .

(A. N. Nagaraj and L. M. Black, "Localization of...)

( 4 ) The conjugates were passed_through a diethylaminoethyl ( DEAE - ) cellulose column equilibrated with neutral phosphate buffer ( PBS ) containing * * f potassium phosphate and * * f .

In the latter cases an additional treatment of the DEAE cellulose treated * * f with 50 mg of sweet_clover stem tissue powder further improved the specificity .
