changed has definitions from the field of geology
[ adjective ] made or become different in nature or form


"changed attitudes" "changed styles of dress" "a greatly changed country after the war"

Used in print

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

Since his seizure , Scotty had had little appetite ; yet his changed appearance , surprisingly , was one of plumpness .

(S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)

The next time we saw him , he was a changed person ; he had aged thirty years , and his face , the color of tallow , was crisscrossed with wrinkles , as though it had been wrapped in chicken wire .

[ adjective ] made or become different in some respect


"he's an altered (or changed) man since his election to Congress"

Used in print

(Musical America, LXXXI:5...)

In this changed world , Prokofieff settled to find himself , and to create for large national purpose .

Related terms


[ adjective ] (geology) changed in constitution or structure or composition by metamorphism


"metamorphic rocks"

Related terms

geology metamorphic
