chromium has definitions from the field of chemistry
[ noun ] (chemistry) a hard brittle blue-white multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing


Cr atomic_number_24

Used in print

(James A. Ibers et al., "Proton magnetic resonance...)

**f appeared to be well suited for the study of these matters , since it is a normal paramagnet , with three unpaired electrons on the chromium , its crystal structure is very simple , and the unknown position of the hydrogen in the strong **f bond provides structural interest .

Chromium analysis gave 58.8 % Cr as compared with 61.2 % theory .

However , **f adsorbs water from the atmosphere and this may account_for the low chromium analysis and high total weight loss .

**f was found to be paramagnetic with three unpaired electron per chromium atom and a molecular susceptibility of **f , where **f .
