church has definitions from the fields of religion,Christianity
[ noun ] (religion,Christianity) a group of Christians; any group professing Christian doctrine or belief


"the church is debating the issue of women priests"

Used in print

(William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)

When we see the steady and methodical inculcation into humanity of the idea of man 's worthlessness - until redeemed - the necessity of the Devil may become evident as a weapon , a weapon designed and used time_and_time_again in every age to whip men into a surrender to a particular church or church-state '' .

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

The same thing is also evidenced by the extreme `` culture Protestantism '' so often observed to characterize the preaching and teaching of the American churches .

However , even if the latent demand for demythologization is not nearly as widespread as we are claiming , at_least among the cultured elements of the population there tends to be an almost complete indifference to the church and its traditional message of sin and grace .

Can the church risk assuming that the `` folly '' of men is as dear to God as their `` wisdom '' , or , as is also commonly implied , that `` the foolishness of God '' and `` the foolishness of men '' are simply two ways of talking_about the same thing ?

There is an ancient and venerable tradition in the church ( which derives , however , from the heritage of the Greeks rather than from the Bible ) that God is completely independent of his creation and so has no need of men for accomplishing his work in the world .

[ noun ] (religion,Christianity) a place for public (especially Christian) worship




"the church was empty"

Used in print

(Edward E. Kelly, S.J., "Christian Unity in England"...)

A Protestant woman marveled to me over the large crowds going_in and out of the Birmingham_Oratory ( Catholic ) Church on Sunday mornings .

From many sides come remarks that Protestant churches are badly attended and the large medieval cathedrals look all_but empty during services .

The Protestants themselves are the first to admit the great falling_off in effective membership in their churches .

An amazing article in the Manchester_Guardian of last November , entitled `` Fate of Redundant Churches '' , states than an Archbishops ' Commission `` reported last month that in the Church_of_England alone there are 790 churches which are redundant now , or will be in 20 years ' time .

An amazing article in the Manchester_Guardian of last November , entitled `` Fate of Redundant Churches '' , states than an Archbishops ' Commission `` reported last month that in the Church_of_England alone there are 790 churches which are redundant now , or will be in 20 years ' time .

[ noun ] (religion,Christianity) a service conducted in a church




"don't be late for church"

Used in print

(The Atlanta Constitution...)

`` Being at the polls was just like being at church .

(Edward E. Kelly, S.J., "Christian Unity in England"...)

While it must be said that these same Protestants have built some new churches during this period , and that religious population_shifts have emptied churches , a principal reason for this phenomenon of redundancy is that fewer Protestants are going_to church .

(Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land....)

This continued most of the week following that ill-starred trip to church , during which period Mike stayed in his room and usually in a trance so deep that Jubal would have pronounced him dead had he not seen it before .

(Octavia Waldo, A Cup of the Sun....)

It went_to church on Sunday and one Saturday a month went_to confession .

[ noun ] the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church


"our church is hosting a picnic next week"

Related terms

body Christendom

[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 763
[ verb ] (religion) bring someone to church for a special rite, as of a woman after childbirth

Related terms

bring perform
