church_of_england has definitions from the fields of religion,Christianity,Anglican Church
[ noun ] (religion,Christianity,Anglican Church) the national church of England (and all other churches in other countries that share its beliefs); has its see in Canterbury and the Sovereign as its temporal head

Used in print

(Edward E. Kelly, S.J., "Christian Unity in England"...)

According_to a newspaper report of the 1961 statistics of the Church_of_England , the `` total of confirmed members is 9748000 , but only 2887671 are registered on the parochial church_rolls '' , and `` over 27 million people in England are baptized into the Church_of_England , but roughly only a tenth of them continue '' .

According_to a newspaper report of the 1961 statistics of the Church_of_England , the `` total of confirmed members is 9748000 , but only 2887671 are registered on the parochial church_rolls '' , and `` over 27 million people in England are baptized into the Church_of_England , but roughly only a tenth of them continue '' .

An amazing article in the Manchester_Guardian of last November , entitled `` Fate of Redundant Churches '' , states than an Archbishops ' Commission `` reported last month that in the Church_of_England alone there are 790 churches which are redundant now , or will be in 20 years ' time .

On successive Sundays during October , 1960 , Paul_Ferris ( a non-Catholic ) wrote articles in the Observer depicting clergymen of the Church_of_England , the Church_of_Rome and the Nonconformist_Church .
