classroom has definitions from the field of education
[ noun ] (education) a room in a school where lessons take place



Used in print

(Jesse W. Grimes and Wesley Allinsmith, "Compuls...)

Twenty-four classrooms in twelve unstructured schools furnished 156 cases , 87 boys and 69 girls .

Eight classrooms in three structured schools furnished 72 cases , 36 boys and 36 girls .

The Stanford_Achievement_Test , Form_J , was administered by classroom teachers , consisting_of a battery of six sub_tests : Paragraph Meaning , Word Meaning , Spelling , Language , Arithmetic Computation , and Arithmetic Reasoning .

While high anxiety children achieve significantly less well ( * * f ) in the unstructured school than do low anxiety children , they appear to do at_least as well as the average in the structured classroom .

The individual with high anxiety in the structured classroom may approach the learning task with the same increased energy and lowered powers of discrimination .
