[ adverb ] without doubt or question


"they were clearly lost" "history has clearly shown the folly of that policy"

Used in print

(Bern Dibner, "Oerstad and the Discovery of Electro...)

His plan and intent were clearly charted .

(The Rev. John A. O'Brien, "Let's Take Birth Control...)

That tumultuous , painful and costly experience shows clearly that a law expressing a moral judgment cannot be enforced when it has little correspondence with the general view of society .

(Tom F. Driver, "Beckett by the Madeleine,"...)

At_the_same_time , he is plainly sympathetic , clearly friendly .

(John F. Hayward, "Mimesis and Symbol in the Arts"...)

Primary feelings of the world come neither as a collection of clearly known objects ( houses , trees , implements , etc . ) nor a collection of isolated and neutral sensory qualities .

(Robert E. Lane, The Liberties of Wit: Humanism, Critici...)

Clearly what the person brings to the reading is important .

Related terms

clear clear

[ adverb ] in an intelligible manner


"the foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly"

Used in print

(Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and...)

Perhaps no church_father saw this concurrence of the unique and the universal as clearly , or formulated it as precisely , as Irenaeus .

(Evan Esar, Humorous English; a guide to comic ,...)

Ben_Franklin said , `` Clearly spoken , Mr._Fogg .

(James Thurber, "The Future, If Any, of Comedy,"...)

`` Great satire has always been clearly written and readily understandable '' , I said .

[ adverb ] clear to the mind; with distinct mental discernment




"it's distinctly possible" "I could clearly see myself in his situation"

Used in print

(Harold Searles, "Schizophrenic Communication,"...)

But it is true that the therapist can sense , when he hears this stereotype , that there are at this moment many emotional determinants at_work in it , a blurred babel of indistinct voices which have yet to become clearly delineated from one another .

(Mignon G. Eberhart, The Cup, the Blade...)

But she was talking of Emile when she saw the black line of the open door ; Sarah remembered it clearly .

Related terms

distinct distinct

[ adverb ] in an easily perceptible manner




"could be seen clearly under the microscope" "She cried loud and clear"

Used in print

(Edwin Booth, Outlaw Town....)

By now Curt was seeing clearly again .

Related terms

clear clear
