cubism has definitions from the field of fine art
[ noun ] (fine art) an artistic movement in France beginning in 1907 that featured surfaces of geometrical planes

Used in print

(Clement Greenberg, "Collage" in his Art and...)

For it had turned_out , by a further paradox of Cubism , that the means to an illusion of depth and plasticity had now become widely divergent from the means of representation or imaging .

Cubism , in its 1911 - 1912 phase ( which the_French , with justice , call `` hermetic '' ) was on the verge of abstract_art .

But the inner , formal_logic of Cubism , as it worked itself out through the collage , had just as much to do with shaping their decision .

Only when the collage had been exhaustively translated into oil , and transformed by this translation , did Cubism become an affair of positive color and flat , interlocking silhouettes whose legibility and placement created allusions to , if_not the illusion of , unmistakable three-dimensional identities .

This he did by using utterly literal means to carry the forward push of the collage ( and of Cubism in_general ) literally into the literal space in_front of the picture_plane .
