[ adjective ] increasing by successive addition




"the benefits are cumulative" "the eventual accumulative effect of these substances"

Used in print

(William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)

It is not enough in accounting_for this feeling to analyze it into the wickedness of individual people added together to produce a cumulative effect .

(High Fidelity, 11:10...)

Without losing the distinctive undertow of Brahmsian rhythm , the pacing is firm and the over-all performance has a tightly_knit quality that makes_for maximum cumulative effect .

(Max F. Millikan and Donald L. M. Blackmer,...)

Thus , although the agenda of external assistance in the economic sphere are cumulative , and many_of the policies suggested for nations in the earlier stages remain relevant , the basic purpose of American economic_policy during the later stages of development should be to assure that movement into a stage of self-sustaining growth is not prevented by lack of foreign_exchange .

Related terms

