differential_equation has definitions from the field of mathematics
[ noun ] (mathematics) an equation containing differentials of a function

Used in print

(Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, Linear Al...)

We have chosen to give it at the end of the section since it deals with differential_equations and thus is not purely linear_algebra .

Let n be a positive integer and let V be the space of all n times continuously differentiable functions f on the real line which satisfy the differential_equation * * f where * * f are some fixed constants .

If * * f denotes the space of n times continuously differentiable functions , then the space V of solutions of this differential_equation is a subspace of * * f .

In_other_words , if f satisfies the differential_equation * * f , then f is uniquely expressible in the form * * f where * * f satisfies the differential_equation * * f .

In_other_words , if f satisfies the differential_equation * * f , then f is uniquely expressible in the form * * f where * * f satisfies the differential_equation * * f .
