energy has definitions from the fields of government,physics,medicine
[ noun ] (physics) the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs


"energy can take a wide variety of forms"

Used in print

(Nathan Rapport, ""I've Been Here before!"...)

Modern physics has developed the theory that all matter consists_of minute waves of energy .

(Raymond C. Binder et al., editors, Proceedings...)

Thus , the energy transferred from the arc to the anode was partly fed back into the arc .

It was shown that by proper anode design the net energy loss of the arc to the anode could be reduced to approximately 15 % of the total arc energy A detailed energy balance of the anode was established .

It was shown that by proper anode design the net energy loss of the arc to the anode could be reduced to approximately 15 % of the total arc energy A detailed energy balance of the anode was established .

It was shown that by proper anode design the net energy loss of the arc to the anode could be reduced to approximately 15 % of the total arc energy A detailed energy balance of the anode was established .

[ noun ] an exertion of force


vigor vigour


"he plays tennis with great energy"

Used in print

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

Man has the experience of being helpfully allied_with what he cannot fully understand ; he is a coordinate part of all_of the mysterious energy and being and movement .

The feeling of individual inferiority , defeat , or humilation growing out of various social situations or individual deficiencies or failures is compensated for by communion in worship or prayer with a friendly , but all-victorious Father-God , as_well as by sympathetic fellowship with others who share this faith , and by opportunities in religious acts for giving_vent to emotions and energies .

The great ultimate ends of religion have served as magnificent beacon_lights that lured people toward them with an almost irresistible force , mobilizing energies and inducing sacrifices ; for_example , the Crusades , mission efforts , just wars .

Related terms

force athleticism excite

[ noun ] enterprising or ambitious drive


get-up-and-go push


"Europeans often laugh at American energy"

Used in print

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

It required an energy he no_longer possessed to be satirical about his father .

(Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy....)

When carving he was charged with spontaneous energy ; too_careful or detailed studies in clay and wax would have glued him down to a mere enlarging of his model .

[ noun ] an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing)


vigour vim vigor


"his writing conveys great energy"

Used in print

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

His energy was gone .

(S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)

His energy was prodigious ; sometimes he would be up before dawn , clad as a garbage_collector and hurling pails into areaways to exasperate us , and thereafter would hurry to the Bronx_Zoo to grimace at the lions and press cigar_butts against their paws .

Related terms

liveliness vitality excite

[ noun ] (medicine) a healthy capacity for vigorous activity


vitality vim


"jogging works off my excess energy" "he seemed full of vim and vigor"

Related terms

good_health juice ch'i excite

[ noun ] (government) the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy of the United States; created in 1977