[ adjective ] of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style


"an exalted ideal" "argue in terms of high-flown ideals"- Oliver Franks "a noble and lofty concept"

Used in print

(Robert L. Duncan, The Voice of Strangers....)

Even Rector himself was prey to this spirit of competition and he knew it , not for a more exalted office in the hierarchy of the church - his ambitions for the bishopry had died very early in his career - but for the one clear victory he had talked_about to the colonel .

Related terms


[ adjective ] high or exalted in style or character


"high drama"

Used in print

(Charles Wharton Stork, "Verner von Heidenstam"...)

To carry_out this exalted conception the author has combined the vivid realism and imaginative power we have noticed in his early poetry and carried them out on a grand scale .

Related terms

