[ verb ] utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy


"`I won!'" he exclaimed" "`Help!' she cried" "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"

Used in print

(Clayton C. Barbeau, The Ikon....)

`` C'est formidable '' , they exclaimed .

(John Cheever, "The Brigadier and the Golf Widow,"...)

I would not want to be one of those writers who begin each morning by exclaiming , `` O Gogol , O Chekhov , O Thackeray and Dickens , what would you have made_of a bomb_shelter ornamented with four plaster-of-Paris ducks , a birdbath , and three composition gnomes with long beards and red mobcaps '' ?

[ verb ] state or announce


proclaim promulgate


`I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed "The King will proclaim an amnesty"

Used in print

(The Dallas Morning News,...)

`` Just our luck '' ! exclaimed Stram .

(Jane Gilmore Rushing, "Against the Moon,"...)

`` Cook a whole antelope '' ? she exclaimed .
