[ noun ] a quality characterized by magnificence of scale


"the expansiveness of their extravagant life style was soon curtailed"

Used in print

(Jesse Hill Ford, Mountains of Gilead....)

Out of the church and into his big car , it tooling over the road with him driving and the headlights sweeping the pike ahead and after he hit college , his expansiveness , the quaint little pine board tourist_courts , cabins really , with a cute naked light_bulb in the ceiling ( unfrosted and naked as a streetlight , like the one on the corner where you used_to play when you were a kid , where you watched the bats swooping in after the bugs , watching in between your bouts at hopscotch ) , a room complete with moths pinging the light and the few casual cockroaches cruising the walls , an insect Highway_Patrol with feelers waving .

Related terms


[ noun ] a friendly open trait of a talkative person



Used in print

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

There is also the possibility , among higher religions , of experiencing consistent meaning in life and enjoying guidance and expansiveness .

Related terms

