[ adjective ] precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication




"explicit instructions" "she made her wishes explicit" "explicit sexual scenes"

Used in print

(Arlin Turner, "William Faulkner, Southern Novelist"...)

They have indicated the direction but they have not been explicit enough , I believe , in pointing_out Faulkner 's independence , his questioning if not indeed challenging the Southern tradition .

(H. A. Gleason, "Review of African language studies...)

His objective is merely to determine `` what distinctions of length and syllabicity it may be desirable to make explicit in a Kikuyu orthography '' ( 59 ) .

(Allan J. Braff and Roger F. Miller, "Wage-Price...)

The Mathematical Appendix presents the rigorous argument , but is best read after Part 1 , in_order that the assumptions underlying the equations may be explicit .

(Morton A. Kaplan and Nicholas de B. Katzenbach,...)

This Europeanization of the law was made explicit by a number of 19_th century scholars .

Hall , for_example , was quite explicit on this point when he said `` states outside European civilization must formally enter into the circle of law governed countries .

[ adjective ] in accordance with fact or the primary meaning of a term



Related terms

