[ adjective ] situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building


"an exterior scene" "exterior grade plywood" "exterior paints"

Used in print

(R. P. Jerrard, "Inscribed squares in plane curves"...)

An ordinary point will be any point_of_intersection A such_that in every neighborhood of A in the C-plane , **f meets both the interior and the exterior of C .

[ noun ] the region that is outside of something



Used in print

(Harold Searles, "Schizophrenic Communication,"...)

Or , equally often , a concretistic seeming , particularistic seeming statement may consist , with its mundane exterior , in a form of poetry - may be full of meaning and emotion when interpreted as a figurative expression : a metaphor , a simile , an allegory , or some other symbolic mode of speaking .

Related terms

inside region outdoors

[ noun ] the outer side or surface of something



Used in print

(Helen Hooven Santmyer, "There Were Fences"...)

When these had been pocketed , we could still spend a morning cracking open other pebbles for our delight in seeing how much prettier they were inside than their dull exteriors indicated .

Related terms

inside surface
