finite has definitions from the field of grammar
[ adjective ] bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent

Used in print

(Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, Linear Al...)

We are trying to study a linear_operator T on the finite dimensional space V , by decomposing T into a direct_sum of operators which are in some sense elementary .

Let T be a linear_operator on the finite dimensional vector space V over the field F .

Let T be a linear_operator on the finite dimensional vector space V over the field F .

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed field F , e.g. , the field of complex_numbers .

In the primary decomposition theorem , it is not necessary that the vector space V be finite dimensional , nor is it necessary for parts ( a ) and ( b ) that p be the minimal polynomial for T .

[ adjective ] (grammar) of verbs; relating to forms of the verb that are limited in time by a tense and (usually) show agreement with number and person

Related terms

infinite grammar inflected
