fractionate has definitions from the field of chemistry
[ verb ] (chemistry) separate into constituents or fractions containing concentrated constituents; in chemistry

Used in print

(M. Yokoyama et al., "Chemical and serological...)

Abelson and Rawson , using a stepwise elution scheme , fractionated whole sera containing ABO and Rh_antibodies on diethylaminoethyl DEAE_cellulose and carboxymethyl_cellulose .

In the present work whole sera have been fractionated by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose using single gradients similar to those described by Sober and Peterson , and certain chemical and serological properties of the fractions containing antibodies of the ABO and Rh systems have been described .

Several samples of citrated plasma were fractionated in our laboratory by Method 6 of Cohn et_al .

Related terms

separate chemistry

[ verb ] (chemistry) obtain by a fractional process; in chemistry

Related terms

separate chemistry
