[ adverb ] in addition


"computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time furthermore, their quality is improving" "the cellar was dark moreover, mice nested there" "what is more, there's no sign of a change"

Used in print

(Philip Reaves, "Who Rules the Marriage Bed?"...)

Furthermore , Dr._Calderone says , a certain number of docile , retiring men always have been around .

(Dan McLachlan, Jr., "Communication Networks and...)

Furthermore , the network in Figure 3 is only the basic net through which other networks pertaining to logistics and the_like are interlaced .

(Public Papers of the Presidents of the U.S. D. D....)

Furthermore , unexpectedly rapid progress or a technological break-through on any one weapon_system , in itself , often diminishes the relative importance of other competitive systems .

(Your Federal Income Tax. 1962 Edition (Revised to...)

Furthermore , a bad check may subject the maker to certain penalties .

(Committee for Economic Development, Distressed...)

Furthermore , there is a cautious conservatism on the part of those making local skill surveys .
