[ adjective ] very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold


"emaciated bony hands" "a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys" "eyes were haggard and cavernous" "small pinched faces" kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration"

Used in print

(Chicago Daily Tribune...)

His addle-brained knight-errant , self appointed to the ridiculous position in an age when armor had already been relegated to museums and the chivalrous code of knight-errantry had become a joke , is , as Cervantes no_doubt intended , a gaunt but gracious symbol of good , moving soberly and sincerely in a world of cynics , hypocrites and rogues .

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

Scotty murmured , `` No , thanks '' , so softly his father had_to bend his gaunt height across the table and turn a round brown ear to him .

(Arthur Miller, "The Prophecy," in The Best...)

He looked at her out of himself , she thought , as he did only for an instant at_a_time , the look which always surprised her even now when his uncombable hair was yellowing a_little and his breath came hard through his nicotine choked lungs , the look of the gaunt youth she had suddenly found herself staring at in the Tate_Gallery on a Thursday once .

Related terms


[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 12622