[ verb ] move in order to make room for someone for something


"The park gave way to a supermarket" "`Move over,' he told the crowd"

Used in print

(Clement Greenberg, "Collage" in his Art and...)

For the illusion of depth created by the contrast between the affixed material and everything else gives_way immediately to an illusion of forms in bas-relief , which gives_way in_turn , and with equal immediacy , to an illusion that seems to contain both - or neither .

For the illusion of depth created by the contrast between the affixed material and everything else gives_way immediately to an illusion of forms in bas-relief , which gives_way in_turn , and with equal immediacy , to an illusion that seems to contain both - or neither .

(Ross E. McKinney and Howard Edde, "Aerated...)

Initially , the flagellated_protozoa predominated , but they soon gave_way to the free_swimming ciliated_protozoa .

(David Stacton, The Judges of the Secret Court....)

He did not really want to kill , but as in the sexual_act , there was a moment when the impulse took_over and could not be downed , even while you watched yourself giving_way to it .

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

In the ballroom below , the dark had given_way to moonlight coming_in through the bank of French_windows .

Related terms

move abandon

[ verb ] end resistance, esp. under pressure or force




"The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram."

Used in print

(David Stacton, The Judges of the Secret Court....)

It was not exactly panic they gave_way to , but they could not just sit there .

Related terms


[ verb ] break down, literally or metaphorically


"The wall collapsed" "The business collapsed" "The dam broke" "The roof collapsed" "The wall gave in" "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"

Used in print

(Sexology, 28:1...)

Often it is thin and fragile and gives_way readily to the male organ at the first attempt at intercourse .

[ verb ] stop operating or functioning


"The engine finally went" "The car died on the road" "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town" "The coffee maker broke" "The engine failed on the way to town" "her eyesight went after the accident"
