[ noun ] a state of partial or total darkness


"he struck a match to dispell the gloom"

Used in print

(Glayds H. Barr, The Master of Geneva....)

A carriage crunched by , its dim lights filtering through the gloom .

(Robert Penn Warren, Wilderness....)

Now , Adam , in the gray light of afternoon , stared across at the hut opposite his tent , and thought_of Simms_Purdew lying in there in the gloom , snoring on his bunk , with the fumes of whisky choking the air .

(Frieda Arkin, "The Light of the Sea," in The...)

It seemed to her , as it seemed each night , that the gloom drew itself in and became densest at the table 's empty chairs , giving her the frequent illusion that she dined with shadows .

Related terms


[ noun ] a feeling of melancholy apprehension

Related terms

apprehension melancholy

[ noun ] an atmosphere of depression and melancholy


glumness gloominess


"gloom pervaded the office"

Related terms

atmosphere cloud bleakness
