[ verb ] return home




"After the movie, we went home"

Used in print

(Francis Pollini, Night....)

Just let me go_home to Jersey , back to the shore , oh , Jesus , the shore .

(Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy....)

Perhaps after the soldiers had laid him on the ground , while Joseph_of_Arimathea was at Pontius_Pilate 's asking for Christ 's body , Nicodemus was gathering his mixture of myrrh and aloes , and the others had gone_home to mourn .

(Robert L. Duncan, The Voice of Strangers....)

The little Ito girl had_to go_home .

(John Cheever, "The Brigadier and the Golf Widow,"...)

She stayed too late , and when she left , it was dark and time to go_home and cook supper for her husband .

(Jane Gilmore Rushing, "Against the Moon,"...)

Those who had driven hundreds of miles for the burial would not go_home , for she might die any time ; but they might as_well unpack their suitcases , for she might linger on .

Related terms

