gymnast has definitions from the field of sport
[ noun ] (sport) an athlete who is skilled in gymnastics

Used in print

(Bonnie Prudden, "The Dancer and the Gymnast"...)

The Russian gymnasts beat_the_tar_out_of the American gymnasts in the 1960 Olympics for one reason - they were better .

The Russian gymnasts beat_the_tar_out_of the American gymnasts in the 1960 Olympics for one reason - they were better .

The apparatus used by gymnasts was once a common sight in American gyms , but about 1930 it was in_favor_of games .

The gymnast must develop strength , flexibility , coordination , timing , rhythm , courage , discipline , persistence and the desire for perfection .

Russia 's young gymnasts have studied dance before having the rigorous training on apparatus .

Related terms

athlete tumbler korbut
