hat has definitions from the field of clothing
[ noun ] (clothing) headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim


lid chapeau

Used in print

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

Rachel wore a smart hat and , because she had been warned recently about smoking , puffed at her cigarettes through a long ivory holder stained with lipstick .

(Arthur Miller, "The Prophecy," in The Best...)

Bicycle gear-sets he had once used as the basis of the design for the Camden_Cycly_Company plant hung on a rope in one corner , and over his desk , next to several old and dusty hats , was a clean pair of roller_skates which he occasionally used up_and_down front of his house .

He left his home the day after New_Year 's wearing a mackinaw and sheepskin mittens and without a hat .

(Sallie Bingham, "Moving Day," The Atlantic...)

He had_on his gray tweed overcoat and his city hat , and his brief_case lay on the bench .

Mr._Jack cried when the brush tipped his hat down over his eyes .

[ verb ] (clothing) put on or wear a hat


"He was unsuitably hatted"

Used in print

(Hampton Stone, The Man Who Looked Death...)

Can you imagine yourself forgetting under_the_circumstances that you are approaching this startling and unexpected situation so unsuitably hatted and armed with a paper horn ?

Related terms

wear bonnet

[ verb ] furnish with a hat

Related terms


[ noun ] an informal term for a person's role


"he took off his politician's hat and talked frankly"

Related terms

