hatching has definitions from the fields of color,biology
[ noun ] (biology) the production of young from an egg



Used in print

(Clifford H. Pope, The Giant Snakes....)

The range is from 14 to 25 inches ; the former figure is based on a somewhat unusual birth of four by a Central_American female ( see chapter on Laying , Brooding , Hatching , and Birth ) , the latter on a `` normal '' newly born individual .

(E. Lucas Myers, "The Vindication of Dr. Nestor,"...)

`` But tell me , doctor , where do you plan to conduct the hatching '' ?

But after the doctor 's return that night Alex could see , from the high window in his own room , the now familiar figure crouched on a truly impressive heap of towels , apparently giving its egg hatching powers one final chance before it was replaced in its office by a sure-enough hen .

Related terms

parturition hatch

[ adjective ] good at incubating eggs especially a fowl kept for that purpose


brooding brood


"a brood hen"

Related terms


[ noun ] (color) shading consisting of multiple crossing lines

Related terms

shading hatch hatch
