haunch has definitions from the field of zoology
[ noun ] (zoology) the hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings

Used in print

(Bruce Palmer, "My Brother's Keeper", Many Are...)

He sank back on his thin haunches like a weary hound .

Related terms

body_part torso

[ noun ] (zoology) the loin and leg of a quadruped

Used in print

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

And he would sleep , sleep , and never think_of roads and horses ' sore haunches , of colonial wars .

(Octavia Waldo, A Cup of the Sun....)

The clapping they made on the concrete interrupted him in the ecstatic pleasure he knew , so that he quickly released his hold on the goat and pretended to be examining its haunches for ticks .

Related terms

hindquarters quadruped
