heaven has definitions from the field of Christianity
[ noun ] (Christianity) the abode of God and the angels and the souls of those who have gained salvation

Used in print

(Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)

His being and His will - Stevie could not divide God from his Papa - illumined every parish face , turned the choir into a band of angels , and the pulpit into the tollgate to Heaven .

(Francis Pollini, Night....)

Oh , sweet land of heaven , haint there just nothin like sweet nigger pussy !

(Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land....)

Fosterite bishops , after secret conclave , announced the Church 's second Major_Miracle : Supreme_Bishop_Digby had been translated bodily to Heaven and spot-promoted to Archangel , ranking with-but-after Archangel_Foster .

[ noun ] any place of complete bliss and delight and peace

Used in print

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

No_doubt John_Hancock would do well now ; war was a smugglers ' heaven .

Related terms

