hijack has definitions from the fields of law,criminal law
[ verb ] take arbitrarily or by force


"The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami"

Used in print

("National Affairs"...)

To Rickards , a 52 - year-old veteran 30 years in_the_air , it was an old story : His plane was being hijacked in mid-flight again much_as it had happened in 1930 , when Peruvian rebels made him land a Ford tri-motor at Arequipa .

But last week 's pirates , like the Cuban-American who recently hijacked an Eastern Airlines Electra ( Newsweek , Aug. 7 ) , wanted to go to Havana .

[ noun ] (law,criminal law) seizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an alternate destination



Related terms

crime carjacking commandeer
