hitler has definitions from the field of politics
[ noun ] (politics) German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945)

Used in print

(Harold Rosenberg, "The Trial and Eichmann"...)

Not through fear of disobeying orders , as Eichmann kept trying to explain , but through a peculiar giddiness that began in a half acceptance of the vicious absurdities contained in the Nazi interpretation of history and grew with each of Hitler 's victories into a permanent light_mindedness and sense of magical rightness that was able to respond to any proposal , and the more outrageous the better , `` Well , let 's try it '' .

Since the magnitude of the plan made secrecy impossible , once the wheels had began to turn , persons controlling German industries , social institutions , and armed_forces became , through their anti-Semitism or their tolerance of_it , conscious accomplices of Hitler 's crimes ; whether in the last degree or a lesser one was a matter to be determined individually .

The Prosecutor in his opening remarks did refer to `` the germ of anti-Semitism '' among the Germans which Hitler `` stimulated and transformed '' .

Related terms

Nazi dictator
