hoof has definitions from the fields of zoology,dance
[ noun ] (zoology) the horny covering of the end of the foot in hoofed mammals

Used in print

(Helen Hooven Santmyer, "There Were Fences"...)

Cows were kept in backyard barns , boys were hired to drive them to and from the pasture on the edge of town , and familiar to the ear , morning and evening , were the boys ' coaxing voices , the thud of hooves , and the thwack of a stick on cowhide .

(Gene Caesar, Rifle for Rent....)

There were no tracks of either hoofs or boots .

(Edwin Booth, Outlaw Town....)

Again he stood in the darkness listening , but there was only the scrape of a shod hoof on a plank floor .

He slapped the buckskin again and it kicked wildly , its hoofs rattling the side of the stall .

[ noun ] (zoology) the foot of an ungulate mammal
[ verb ] (dance) dance in a professional capacity

Related terms

dance dance cant

[ verb ] informal or colloquial synonyms of 'walk' "


leg_it hoof_it foot

Related terms

walk colloquialism pedestrian
