[ adverb ] perhaps; indicating possibility of being more remarkable (greater or better or sooner) than


"will yield 10% if not more" "pretty if not actually beautiful" "let's meet tonight if not sooner"

Used in print

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

Yet for much of the globe , Hollywood is just that - prime , if_not sole , source of knowledge .

(William S. Haymond, "Is Distance an Original...)

The underlying assumption , of_course , is that only sight and touch enable us , in any precise and fully dependable way , to locate objects in space beyond us , the other senses being decidedly inferior , if_not totally inadequate , in this regard .

(Jim Berry Pearson, The Maxwell Land Grant....)

If_not , how long to order and what is the price '' ?

(Clement Greenberg, "Collage" in his Art and...)

Flatness may now monopolize everything , but it is a flatness become so ambiguous and expanded as to turn_into illusion itself - at_least an optical if_not , properly_speaking , a pictorial illusion .
