[ adverb ] to an exceedingly great extent or degree




"He had vastly overestimated his resources" "was immensely more important to the project as a scientist than as an administrator"

Used in print

(Robert L. Duncan, The Voice of Strangers....)

Without exception Hino 's brothers turned_to either one or both of their father 's occupations , but Hino showed a talent for neither and instead spent most of his time on the beach where he repaired nets and proved immensely popular as a storyteller .

(Leo Lemon, "Catch Up With" and "Something to...)

Ever since Bambi , and , more recently , Born_Free , there have been a_lot of books about animals , but few compare with Max_Fink 's wry , understated , charming , and immensely readable My_Friend_, the Quizzical_Salamander .

Related terms

huge huge brobdingnagian
