iodide has definitions from the field of chemistry
[ noun ] (chemistry) a salt or ester of hydriodic acid

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(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

On chemical grounds it seems most likely that iodide is first converted to * * f and then to * * f as the active iodinating species .

Similar findings have been noted in a patient with congenital absence of the organification enzymes , whose thyroid tissue could only concentrate iodide .

It is assumed that the iodine released from the iodotyrosines remains in the iodide pool of the thyroid , where it is oxidised and re-incorporated into thyroglobulin .

This ion inhibits thyroid_hormone synthesis by interfering with iodide concentration in the thyroid .

These drugs have no effect on the iodide concentrating mechanism , but they inhibit organification .
