has definitions from the field of color
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[ noun ] a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walruses
Synonyms Used in print (Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)Figurines and simple chapels presage the emergence of sculpture and architecture in Greece ; objects in gold , ivory , and bronze grow more numerous . (Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)They slept - Mynheer with a marvelously high-pitched snoring , the damn seahorse ivory teeth watching him from a bedside table . (S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)From the curio cabinet on its south wall and the bureaus beneath , you abstracted seventeen ivory , metal , wood , and stone sculptures of Oriental and African origin , two snuffboxes , and a jade handled magnifying_glass . Rummaging through a stack of drawers nearby , you unearthed an antique French chess_set in ivory and sandalwood , which , along with two box_Kodaks , you added to your haul . Whether the pair of Sudanese ivory carvings you lifted really possess the juju to turn your livers to lead , as a dealer in Khartoum assured me , I am not competent to say . |
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[ noun ] (color) a shade of white the color of bleached bones
Used in print (Christopher Davis, First Family....)Rachel wore a smart hat and , because she had been warned recently about smoking , puffed at her cigarettes through a long ivory holder stained with lipstick . (Clayton C. Barbeau, The Ikon....)Above , the glowing ivory baton of their searchlight pointed at the clouds , diluting the valley 's dark to a pallid light . Related terms |
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[ noun ] Man's first name, popularity rank in the U.S. is 899
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[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 3364
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[ noun ] Woman's first name, popularity rank in the U.S. is 1385
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