kidney has definitions from the fields of anatomy,zoology
[ noun ] (anatomy,zoology) either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine; urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder

Used in print

(Jack Kaplan, "The Health Machine Menace: Therapy by...)

She had - he informed her - kidney trouble , liver trouble , and a severe female disorder .

He then sold her minerals to cure her kidney ailment , a can of sage `` to make her look_like a girl again '' , and an application of plain mud to take her wrinkles away .

(J. W. C. Hagstrom et al., "Debilitating muscular...)

The kidneys were pale and weighed right , 110 gm. , and left , 230 gm. .

On the surface of the right kidney there were also 2 yellow , firm , friable raised areas measuring up_to 2 cm. in diameter .

Microscopically , both kidneys showed many small cortical scars in which there was glomerular and interstitial fibrosis , tubular atrophy , and an infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells .

[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 18626