language has definitions from the fields of psychology,linguistics,music,writing
[ noun ] (linguistics) a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols


"he taught foreign languages" "the language introduced is standard throughout the text" "the execution speed of a program depends on the language in which it is written"

Used in print

(The Times-Picayune, [New Orleans]...)

Dover `` publishes '' what the company calls `` Listen_and_Learn '' productions designed to teach foreign languages .

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

This does not mean that mythological language as_such can no_longer be used in theology and preaching .

Until we translate this gospel into a language that enlightened men today can understand , we are depriving ourselves of the very resources on which the continued success of our witness most certainly depends .

(Frank Getlein and Harold C. Gardiner, S.J., Movies,...)

Of the two , Porter is justly the better_known , for he went far beyond the vital finding of fiction for films to take the first_step toward fashioning a language of film , toward making the motion_picture the intricate , efficient time_machine that it has remained since , even in the most inept hands .

But in_general the European efforts to make an art of the entertainment had ignored the slowly emerging language of the film itself .

[ noun ] communication by word of mouth


"his speech was slurred" "the telephone greatly increased the range of speech communication" "he uttered harsh language" "he recorded the spoken language of the streets"

Used in print

(The Rev. John A. O'Brien, "Let's Take Birth Control...)

All_too often our language is unduly harsh .

(H. A. Gleason, "Review of African language studies...)

But no other two phonologic_systems are as difficult to disentangle as are tone and intonation in some languages .

This explanation of tone difficulties , however , does not apply in all languages .

Still , even in such languages tone analysis has not been as simple as one might expect .

[ noun ] (linguistics) a system of words used in a particular discipline


"legal terminology" "the language of sociology"

Related terms

word toponomy markup_language

[ noun ] (psychology) the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication


"he didn't have the language to express his feelings"

Used in print

(Nathan Rapport, ""I've Been Here before!"...)

A `` mental_image '' subconsciously impressing us from beneath its language symbols in wakeful thought , or consciously in light sleep , is actually not an image at_all but is comprised of realities , viewed not in the concurrent sensory stream , but within the depths of the fourth_dimension .

[ noun ] (psychology) the mental faculty or power of vocal communication




"language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals"

Used in print

(Nathan Rapport, ""I've Been Here before!"...)

Dr._Hilprecht was uncertain as to the language used by the ancient priest in his dream .

[ noun ] (music,writing) the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number


lyric words lyrics


"his compositions always started with the lyrics" "he wrote both words and music" "the song uses colloquial language"

Used in print

(Tom F. Driver, "Beckett by the Madeleine,"...)

When Heidegger and Sartre speak of a contrast between being and existence , they may be right , I do n't know , but their language is too philosophical for me .

(Edward Jablonski, Harold Arlen Happy with the Blues....)

Mercer 's lyrics are characterized by an unerring ear for rhythmic nuances , a puckish sense_of_humor expressed in language with a colloquial flair .

Related terms

text love_lyric song
